Source code for provy.more.debian.web.rails

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Roles in this namespace are meant to provide `Ruby on Rails <>`_ applications utility methods for Debian distributions.

from provy.core import Role
from provy.more.debian.package.aptitude import AptitudeRole
from provy.more.debian.package.gem import GemRole
from provy.more.debian.web.nginx import NginxRole


[docs]class RailsRole(Role): ''' This role provides `Ruby on Rails <>`_ application utilities for Debian distributions. Example: :: from provy.core import Role from provy.more.debian import RailsRole class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(RailsRole) as role: role.ensure_site_disabled('default') role.create_site(site='my-site', path='/home/myuser/my-site') role.ensure_site_enabled('my-site') ''' def __available_site_for(self, name): return '/etc/nginx/sites-available/%s' % name
[docs] def provision(self): ''' Installs `Ruby on Rails <>`_ dependencies. This method should be called upon if overriden in base classes, or Rails won't work properly in the remote server. Example: :: from provy.core import Role from provy.more.debian import RailsRole class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): self.provision_role(RailsRole) # does not need to be called if using with block. ''' self.register_template_loader('provy.more.debian.web') self.__install_system_packages() self.__install_gem_packages() self.__install_nginx_module() self.__create_nginx_configurations() self.__create_nginx_directories()
def __create_nginx_directories(self): self.ensure_dir('/etc/nginx/sites-available', sudo=True) self.ensure_dir('/etc/nginx/sites-enabled', sudo=True) self.ensure_dir('/etc/nginx/conf.d', sudo=True) def __create_nginx_configurations(self): self.update_file('rails.nginx.conf.template', '/etc/nginx/conf/nginx.conf', sudo=True) self.update_file('rails.nginx.init.template', '/etc/init.d/nginx', sudo=True) self.change_path_mode('/etc/init.d/nginx', 755) def __install_gem_packages(self): with self.using(GemRole) as role: role.ensure_package_installed('bundler') role.ensure_package_installed('passenger') def __install_system_packages(self): with self.using(AptitudeRole) as role: for package in PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL: role.ensure_package_installed(package) def __install_nginx_module(self): if not self.remote_exists_dir('/etc/nginx'): self.ensure_dir('/var/log/nginx', sudo=True) self.log("passenger-nginx not found! Installing...") self.execute('passenger-install-nginx-module --auto --auto-download --prefix=/etc/nginx', sudo=True, stdout=False) self.log("passenger-nginx installed.")
[docs] def cleanup(self): ''' Restarts nginx if any changes have been made. There's no need to call this method manually. ''' super(RailsRole, self).cleanup() if 'must-restart-nginx' in self.context and self.context['must-restart-nginx']: self.restart()
[docs] def ensure_site_disabled(self, site): ''' Ensures that the specified site is removed from Nginx list of enabled sites. :param site: Name of the site to disable. :type site: :class:`str` Example: :: from provy.core import Role from provy.more.debian import RailsRole class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(RailsRole) as role: role.ensure_site_disabled('default') ''' with self.using(NginxRole) as nginx: nginx.ensure_site_disabled(site)
[docs] def ensure_site_enabled(self, site): ''' Ensures that a symlink is created for the specified site at Nginx list of enabled sites from the list of available sites. :param site: Name of the site to enable. :type site: :class:`str` Example: :: from provy.core import Role from provy.more.debian import RailsRole class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(RailsRole) as role: role.ensure_site_enabled('my-site') ''' with self.using(NginxRole) as nginx: nginx.ensure_site_enabled(site)
[docs] def create_site(self, site, host, path, port=80, options={}): ''' Adds a website with the specified template to Nginx list of available sites. .. warning:: Do not forget to call :meth:`ensure_site_enabled` after a call to create_site, or your site won't be enabled. :param site: Name of the site to enable. :type site: :class:`str` :param host: Server domain that Nginx should respond by. :type host: :class:`str` :param path: Path of the rails app. :type path: :class:`str` :param port: Port that Nginx will listen in. Defaults to `80`. :type port: :class:`int` :param options: Options to pass to the Nginx template. Defaults to empty dict (`{}`). :type options: :class:`int` Example: :: from provy.core import Role from provy.more.debian import RailsRole class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(RailsRole) as role: role.create_site(site='my-site', host='localhost', port=8888, path='/home/myuser/my-rails-site') ''' template = "rails-nginx.template" options['host'] = host options['path'] = path result = self.update_file(template, self.__available_site_for(site), options=options, sudo=True) self.execute('cd %s && bundle install --without development test --deployment' % path, user=self.context['owner'], stdout=True) if result: self.log('Installing gems with bundler') self.log('%s nginx site created!' % site) self.ensure_restart()
[docs] def ensure_restart(self): ''' Ensures that Nginx gets restarted on cleanup. There's no need to call this method as any changes to Nginx will trigger it. Example: :: from provy.core import Role from provy.more.debian import RailsRole class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(RailsRole) as role: role.ensure_restart() ''' self.context['must-restart-nginx'] = True
[docs] def restart(self): ''' Forcefully restarts nginx. Example: :: from provy.core import Role from provy.more.debian import RailsRole class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(RailsRole) as role: role.restart() ''' with self.using(NginxRole) as nginx: nginx.restart()