Source code for provy.more.debian.web.django

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Roles in this namespace are meant to provide `Django <>`_ app server utility methods for Debian distributions.

from os.path import dirname, join, splitext, split

from provy.core import Role
from provy.more.debian.package.pip import PipRole
from provy.more.debian.package.aptitude import AptitudeRole
from provy.more.debian.monitoring.supervisor import SupervisorRole

SITES_KEY = 'django-sites'
MUST_RESTART_KEY = 'restart-django-sites'

[docs]class WithSite(object): def __init__(self, django, name): self.django = django self.auto_start = True self.daemon = True = name self.settings_path = None = '' self.pid_file_path = '/var/run' self.threads = 1 self.processes = 1 self.starting_port = 8000 self.user = None if SupervisorRole in self.django.context['roles_in_context']: self.use_supervisor = True self.supervisor_log_folder = self.django.context['roles_in_context'][SupervisorRole].log_folder else: self.use_supervisor = False self.supervisor_log_folder = '/var/log' self.settings = {} def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if not self.settings_path: raise RuntimeError('[Django] The path to the site must be specified and should correspond to the directory where the file is for site %s.' % if SITES_KEY not in self.django.context: self.django.context[SITES_KEY] = [] if self.use_supervisor: self.daemon = False self.auto_start = False self.django.restart_supervisor_on_changes = True self.django.context[SITES_KEY].append(self)
[docs]class DjangoRole(Role): ''' This role provides `Django <>`_ management utilities for Debian distributions. When running `Django <>`_ under supervisor, remember to set :meth:`restart_supervisor_on_changes` to :data:`True`. If you choose to automatically include supervisor support in your sites, don't forget to call :meth:`SupervisorRole.config <provy.more.debian.monitoring.supervisor.SupervisorRole.config>` method. When creating a new site using `with role.create_site('somesite') as site` these are the properties available in the site object: :var auto_start: (:class:`bool`) Indicates whether the site should be automatically started by the operating system. Defaults to :data:`True`. If using supervisor, explicitly set this to :data:`False`. :var daemon: (:class:`bool`) Indicates whether the `init.d` command for the website should daemonize itself. Defaults to :data:`True`. If using supervisor, explicitly set this to :data:`False`. :var settings_path: (:class:`str`) This is the only mandatory argument. This is the full path to Django's `` file. :var host: (:class:`str`) The host IP address that django will listen to incoming requests. Defaults to ``. :var starting_port: (:class:`int`) The first port that Django will be started in the event that more than one process is used. Defaults to `8000`. :var processes: (:class:`int`) The number of processes that will have commands created at the server. As an example, if this is set to 2 and the name of the site is 'website', two commands will be created: `/etc/init.d/website-8000` and `/etc/init.d/website-8001`. Defaults to 1. :var pid_file_path: (:class:`str`) Path to create the pid file. Defaults to `/var/run`. :var threads: (:class:`int`) Number of worker threads that Green Unicorn will use when spawning Django. Defaults to `1`. :var user: (:class:`str`) User that gunicorn will run under. Defaults to the last created user. When using supervisor it is **VERY** important that this user is the same user as supervisor's. :var use_supervisor: (:class:`bool`) Whether supervisor configuration for these django website should be automatically included. :var supervisor_log_folder: (:class:`str`) Log folder that supervisor will store the configurations for this site. :var settings: (:class:`dict`) Dictionary with settings that will overwrite Django's defaults. These settings will be included in a `` module that imports the original settings as `KEY=value` pairs. All values included here will have their string representation used in the `local_settings`. Example: :: from provy.core import Role from provy.more.debian import DjangoRole class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(SupervisorRole) as role: role.config( config_file_directory='/home/someuser', log_file='/home/someuser/logs/supervisord.log', user='myuser' ) with self.using(DjangoRole) as role: role.restart_supervisor_on_changes = True with role.create_site('mysite') as site: site.path = '/some/folder/with/' site.use_supervisor = True site.supervisor_log_path = '/some/folder/to/log' site.threads = 4 site.processes = 2 site.user = 'myuser' # settings that override the website defaults. site.settings = { } ''' def __init__(self, prov, context): super(DjangoRole, self).__init__(prov, context) self.restart_supervisor_on_changes = False
[docs] def provision(self): ''' Installs `Django <>`_ and its dependencies. This method should be called upon if overriden in base classes, or `Django <>`_ won't work properly in the remote server. If you set a value to django-version in the context, that version of Django will be installed instead of latest. Example: :: from provy.core import Role from provy.more.debian import DjangoRole class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): self.provision_role(DjangoRole) # no need to call this if using with block. # or class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): self.context['django-version'] = '1.1.1' self.provision_role(DjangoRole) # no need to call this if using with block. # now django 1.1.1 is installed. ''' self.register_template_loader('provy.more.debian.web') with self.using(AptitudeRole) as aptitude: aptitude.ensure_package_installed('python-mysqldb') with self.using(PipRole) as pip: if 'django-version' in self.context: pip.ensure_package_installed('django', version=self.context['django-version']) else: pip.ensure_package_installed('django') pip.ensure_package_installed('gunicorn')
[docs] def create_site(self, name): ''' Enters a with block with a Site variable that allows you to configure a django website. :param name: Name of the website. :type name: :class:`str` Example: :: from provy.core import Role from provy.more.debian import DjangoRole class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(DjangoRole) as role: with role.create_site('website') as site: site.path = '/some/folder/with/' site.threads = 4 # settings that override the website defaults. site.settings = { } ''' return WithSite(self, name)
[docs] def cleanup(self): ''' Updates the website and/or init files and restarts websites if needed. There's no need to call this method since provy's lifecycle will make sure it is called. ''' super(DjangoRole, self).cleanup() if SITES_KEY in self.context: for website in self.context[SITES_KEY]: updated = self._update_init_script(website) settings_updated = self._update_settings(website) if website.use_supervisor: self._update_supervisor_program(website) if updated or settings_updated: self._ensure_restart(website) if MUST_RESTART_KEY in self.context and self.context[MUST_RESTART_KEY]: if self.restart_supervisor_on_changes: with self.using(SupervisorRole) as role: role.ensure_restart() for site in self.context[MUST_RESTART_KEY]: self._restart(site)
def _update_supervisor_program(self, website): with self.using(SupervisorRole) as role: for process_number in range(website.processes): self._update_supervisor_program_for_process(website, process_number, role) def _update_supervisor_program_for_process(self, website, process_number, role): port = website.starting_port + process_number script_name = "%s-%d" % (, port) with role.with_program(script_name) as program: = dirname(website.settings_path) program.command = '/etc/init.d/%s start' % script_name = script_name program.number_of_processes = 1 program.user = website.user program.log_folder = website.supervisor_log_folder def _ensure_restart(self, website): if not MUST_RESTART_KEY in self.context: self.context[MUST_RESTART_KEY] = [] self.context[MUST_RESTART_KEY].append(website) def _restart(self, website): if not website.auto_start: return for process_number in range(website.processes): port = website.starting_port + process_number script_name = "%s-%d" % (, port) if self.remote_exists(join(website.pid_file_path.rstrip('/'), '' % (, port))): self.execute('/etc/init.d/%s stop' % script_name, stdout=False, sudo=True) self.execute('/etc/init.d/%s start' % script_name, stdout=False, sudo=True) def _update_settings(self, website): local_settings_path = join(dirname(website.settings_path), '') options = { 'settings_file': splitext(split(website.settings_path)[-1])[0], 'settings': website.settings } result = self.update_file('local.settings.template', local_settings_path, owner=website.user, options=options, sudo=True) return result def _update_init_script(self, website): at_least_one_updated = False for process_number in range(website.processes): port = website.starting_port + process_number options = { 'name':, 'pid_file_path': website.pid_file_path.rstrip('/'), 'user': website.user, 'host':, 'port': port, 'threads': website.threads, 'daemon': website.daemon, 'user': website.user, 'settings_directory': dirname(website.settings_path) } script_name = '%s-%d' % (, port) result = self.update_file('website.init.template', '/etc/init.d/%s' % script_name, owner=website.user, options=options, sudo=True) if result: at_least_one_updated = True self.execute('chmod +x /etc/init.d/%s' % script_name, stdout=False, sudo=True) if website.auto_start: self.execute('update-rc.d %s defaults' % script_name, stdout=False, sudo=True) return at_least_one_updated