Source code for provy.more.centos.package.pip

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Roles in this namespace are meant to provision packages installed via the `PIP <>`_ package manager for CentOS distributions.

import xmlrpclib

from fabric.api import settings

from provy.core import Role
from provy.more.centos.package.yum import YumRole

[docs]class PipRole(Role): ''' This role provides package management operations with `PIP <>`_ within CentOS distributions. Example: :: from provy.core import Role from provy.more.centos import PipRole class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(PipRole) as role: role.ensure_package_installed('django', version='1.1.1') ''' use_sudo = True user = None
[docs] def provision(self): ''' Installs pip dependencies. This method should be called upon if overriden in base classes, or PIP won't work properly in the remote server. Example: :: class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): self.provision_role(PipRole) # does not need to be called if using with block. ''' with self.using(YumRole) as role: role.ensure_up_to_date() role.ensure_package_installed('python-setuptools') role.ensure_package_installed('python-devel') role.ensure_package_installed('gcc') self.execute("easy_install pip", sudo=True, stdout=False, user=None)
[docs] def extract_package_data_from_input(self, input_line): package_constraint = None input_line = input_line.strip() package_info = { "name": input_line } if input_line.startswith("-e") and "#egg=" in input_line: data = input_line.split("#egg=") package_info["name"] = data[1] elif "==" in input_line: package_constraint = "==" elif '>=' in input_line: package_constraint = ">=" if package_constraint: package_info['version_constraint'] = package_constraint data = input_line.split(package_constraint) package_info["name"] = data[0] package_info["version"] = data[1] return package_info
[docs] def is_package_installed(self, package_name, version=None): ''' Returns :data:`True` if the given package is installed via pip in the remote server, :data:`False` otherwise. :param package_name: Name of the package to verify :type package_name: :class:`str` :param version: Version to check for. Defaults to :data:`None`, which makes it check for any version. :type version: :class:`str` :return: Whether the package is installed or not. :rtype: :class:`bool` Example: :: class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(PipRole) as role: if role.is_package_installed('django', version='1.1.1'): pass ''' with settings(warn_only=True): package_info = self.extract_package_data_from_input(package_name) if not version: package_name = package_info['name'] package_string = self.execute("pip freeze | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | grep %s" % package_name, stdout=False, sudo=self.use_sudo, user=self.user) if package_name in package_string: installed_version = package_string.split('==')[-1] if 'version' in package_info: if '>=' == package_info['version_constraint']: if installed_version < package_info['version']: return False elif version and installed_version != version: return False return True
[docs] def get_package_remote_version(self, package_name): ''' Returns the version of the package currently installed via PIP in the remote server. If package is not installed, returns :data:`None`. :param package_name: Name of the package to verify :type package_name: :class:`str` :return: The package version. :rtype: :class:`str` Example: :: class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(PipRole) as role: version = role.get_package_remote_version('django') if version and version == '1.1.1': pass ''' with settings(warn_only=True): result = self.execute("pip freeze | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | grep %s" % package_name.lower(), stdout=False, sudo=self.use_sudo, user=self.user) if result: package, version = result.split('==') return version return None
[docs] def get_package_latest_version(self, package_name): ''' Returns the latest available version of the package at the Python Package Index. If package is not available, returns :data:`None`. :param package_name: Name of the package to verify :type package_name: :class:`str` :return: The package version. :rtype: :class:`str` Example: :: class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(PipRole) as role: version = role.get_package_remote_version('django') latest = role.get_package_latest_version('django') if version != latest: pass # this check is not needed if you use ensure_package_up_to_date. ''' pypi = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('') available = pypi.package_releases(package_name) if not available: # Try to capitalize pkg name available = pypi.package_releases(package_name.capitalize()) if not available: return None return available[0]
[docs] def package_can_be_updated(self, package_name): ''' Returns :data:`True` if there is an update for the given package in the Python Package Index, False otherwise. :param package_name: Name of the package to verify :type package_name: :class:`str` :return: Whether the package can be updated. :rtype: :class:`bool` Example: :: class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(PipRole) as role: if role.package_can_be_updated('django'): pass # this check is not needed if you use ensure_package_up_to_date. ''' remote_version = self.get_package_remote_version(package_name) latest_version = self.get_package_latest_version(package_name) return remote_version != latest_version
[docs] def ensure_package_installed(self, package_name, version=None): ''' Makes sure the package is installed with the specified version (latest if :data:`None` specified). This method does not verify and upgrade the package on subsequent provisions, though. Use :meth:`ensure_package_up_to_date` for this purpose instead. :param package_name: Name of the package to install. :type package_name: :class:`str` :param version: If specified, installs this version of the package. Installs latest version otherwise. You can use >= or <= before version number to ensure package version. :type version: :class:`str` :return: Whether the package had to be installed or not. :rtype: :class:`bool` Example: :: class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(PipRole) as role: role.ensure_package_installed('django', version='1.1.1') ''' if version: package_info = self.extract_package_data_from_input(version) version_constraint = package_info.get('version_constraint', '==') version = package_info.get('version', version) if not self.is_package_installed(package_name, version): self.log('%s version %s should be installed (via pip)! Rectifying that...' % (package_name, version)) self.execute('pip install %s%s%s' % (package_name, version_constraint, version), stdout=False, sudo=self.use_sudo, user=self.user) self.log('%s version %s installed!' % (package_name, version)) return True elif not self.is_package_installed(package_name): self.log('%s is not installed (via pip)! Installing...' % package_name) self.execute('pip install %s' % package_name, stdout=False, sudo=self.use_sudo, user=self.user) self.log('%s installed!' % package_name) return True return False
[docs] def ensure_requirements_installed(self, requirements_file_name): ''' Makes sure the requirements file provided is installed. :param requirements_file_name: Path to the requirements file (can be provided as absolute path or relative to the directory where provy is run from). :type requirements_file_name: :class:`str` Example: :: class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(PipRole) as role: role.ensure_requirements_installed('/path/to/requirements.txt') ''' with open(requirements_file_name, 'r') as requirements_file: for requirement in requirements_file.readlines(): self.ensure_package_installed(requirement.strip())
[docs] def ensure_package_up_to_date(self, package_name): ''' Makes sure the package is installed and up-to-date with the latest version. This method verifies if there is a newer version for this package every time the server is provisioned. If a new version is found, it is installed. :param package_name: Name of the package to install. :type package_name: :class:`str` Example: :: class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(PipRole) as role: role.ensure_package_is_up_to_date('django') ''' is_installed = self.is_package_installed(package_name) if is_installed and self.package_can_be_updated(package_name): self.log('%s is installed (via pip)! Updating...' % package_name) self.execute('pip install -U --no-dependencies %s' % package_name, stdout=False, sudo=self.use_sudo, user=self.user) self.log('%s updated!' % package_name) return True elif not is_installed: self.ensure_package_installed(package_name) return True self.log('%s is up to date (via pip).' % package_name) return False
[docs] def set_user(self, user): ''' Prepares the pip role instance to run its commands as a specific user. :param user: The username with which the role should run its commands. :type user: :class:`str` Example: :: class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(PipRole) as role: role.ensure_package_installed('django') # runs as sudo role.set_user('johndoe') role.ensure_package_installed('django') # runs as "johndoe" user ''' self.user = user self.use_sudo = False
[docs] def set_sudo(self): ''' Prepares the pip role instance to run its commands with sudo; This is useful when you had previously set a user, and want it to run back as sudo. Example: :: class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(PipRole) as role: role.ensure_package_installed('django') # runs as sudo role.set_user('johndoe') role.ensure_package_installed('django') # runs as "johndoe" user role.set_sudo() role.ensure_package_installed('django') # runs as sudo ''' self.user = None self.use_sudo = True