What's provy and provisioning ============================= According to `Wikipedia `_, provisioning is "the process of preparing and equipping a network to allow it to provide (new) services to its users". We'll draw from this concept the part of preparing and equipping. **provy** is a infrastructure provisioning automation tool. Its main goal is making it easy to create highly-scalable architectures with simple scripts. **provy** stands on the shoulder of giants! `fabric `_ for the networking part and `jinja2 `_ for templating capabilities. A very simple, yet working example of a valid provyfile.py:: #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from provy.core import Role from provy.more.debian import UserRole, AptitudeRole class SimpleServer(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(UserRole) as role: role.ensure_user('my-user', identified_by='my-pass', is_admin=True) with self.using(AptitudeRole) as role: role.ensure_package_installed('vim') servers = { 'frontend': { 'address': '', 'user': 'root', 'roles': [ SimpleServer ] } }