Source code for provy.more.debian.users.ssh

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Roles in this namespace are meant to provide SSH keygen utilities for Debian distributions.

from os.path import join

from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA

from provy.core import Role

[docs]class SSHRole(Role): ''' This role provides SSH keygen utilities for Debian distributions. Example: :: from provy.core import Role from provy.more.debian import SSHRole class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(SSHRole) as role: role.ensure_ssh_key(user='someuser', private_key_file="private-key") '''
[docs] def ensure_ssh_key(self, user, private_key_file): ''' Ensures that the specified private ssh key is present in the remote server. Also creates the public key for this private key. The private key file must be a template and be accessible to the :meth:`Role.render <provy.core.roles.Role.render>` method. :param user: Owner of the keys. :type user: :class:`str` :param private_key_file: Template file for the private key. :type private_key_file: :class:`str` Example: :: from provy.core import Role from provy.more.debian import SSHRole class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(SSHRole) as role: role.ensure_ssh_key(user='someuser', private_key_file="private-key") ''' path = '/home/%s' % user ssh_path = join(path, '.ssh') self.ensure_dir(ssh_path, sudo=True, owner=user) private_key = self.render(private_key_file) key = RSA.importKey(private_key) public_key = key.publickey().exportKey(format='OpenSSH') self.__write_keys(user, private_key, public_key)
def __write_keys(self, user, private_key, public_key): path = '/home/%s' % user ssh_path = join(path, '.ssh') pub_path = join(ssh_path, '') priv_path = join(ssh_path, 'id_rsa') host = self.execute_python('import os; print os.uname()[1]', stdout=False) host_str = "%s@%s" % (user, host) pub_text = "%s %s" % (public_key, host_str) pub_file = self.write_to_temp_file(pub_text) priv_file = self.write_to_temp_file(private_key) result_pub = self.update_file(pub_file, pub_path, sudo=True, owner=user) result_priv = self.update_file(priv_file, priv_path, sudo=True, owner=user) if result_pub or result_priv: self.log("SSH keys generated at server!") self.log("Public key:") self.log(pub_text)