Source code for provy.more.centos.messaging.rabbitmq

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Roles in this namespace are meant to provide `RabbitMQ <>`_ utilities methods within CentOS distributions.

from provy.core import Role
from provy.more.centos.package.yum import YumRole

from fabric.utils import warn

GUEST_USER_WARNING = ('It is advisable to delete the guest user or change the'
                      ' password to something private, particularly if your broker'
                      ' is accessible publicly.')

[docs]class RabbitMqRole(Role): ''' This role provides utility methods for `RabbitMQ <>`_ utilities within CentOS distributions. Example: :: from provy.core import Role from provy.more.centos import RabbitMqRole from provy.more.centos import HostNameRole class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(HostNameRole) as role: # From rabbitmq docs [1]: # "RabbitMQ names the database directory using the current # hostname of the system. If the hostname changes, a new empty # database is created. To avoid data loss it's crucial to set # up a fixed and resolvable hostname" # # [1] role.ensure_hostname('rabbit') with self.using(RabbitMqRole) as role: role.delete_user('guest') role.ensure_user( self.context['rabbit_user'], self.context['rabbit_password'], ) role.ensure_vhost(self.context['rabbit_vhost']) role.ensure_permission( self.context['rabbit_vhost'], self.context['rabbit_user'], '".*" ".*" ".*"', ) '''
[docs] def provision(self): ''' Installs `RabbitMQ <>`_ and dependencies. This method should be called upon if overriden in base classes, or RabbitMQ won't work properly in the remote server. Example: :: from provy.core import Role from provy.more.centos import HgRole class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): self.provision_role(RabbitMqRole) ''' with self.using(YumRole) as role: role.ensure_up_to_date() role.ensure_package_installed('rabbitmq-server') # Start rabbitmq at startup, TODO: add chkconfig role self.execute('chkconfig --add rabbitmq-server', stdout=False, sudo=True) self.execute('chkconfig rabbitmq-server on', stdout=False, sudo=True) # Make sure rabbit is running: if not self.is_process_running('rabbitmq-server'): self.execute( 'service rabbitmq-server start', stdout=False, sudo=True, ) if self.user_exists('guest'): warn(GUEST_USER_WARNING)
[docs] def user_exists(self, username): ''' Checks if the RabbitMQ user exists. :param username: Name of the user to be checked. :type username: :class:`str` :return: Whether the user exists or not. :rtype: :class:`bool` Example: :: class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(RabbitMqRole) as role: role.user_exists('johndoe') ''' cmd = 'rabbitmqctl list_users' users = self.execute(cmd, stdout=False, sudo=True) return username in users
[docs] def vhost_exists(self, vhost): ''' Checks if the RabbitMQ vhost exists. :param vhost: Name of the vhost to be checked. :type vhost: :class:`str` :return: Whether the vhost exists or not. :rtype: :class:`bool` Example: :: class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(RabbitMqRole) as role: role.vhost_exists('foobarhost') ''' vhs = self.execute('rabbitmqctl list_vhosts', stdout=False, sudo=True) vhs = vhs.split('\r\n')[1:-1] return vhost in vhs
[docs] def ensure_user(self, username, password, is_admin=False): ''' Ensure the given user is created in the database and can authenticate with RabbitMQ. :param username: Name of the user to be created. :type username: :class:`str` :param password: Password that the user will use to authenticate to RabbitMQ. :type password: :class:`str` :return: Whether the user had to be created or not. :rtype: :class:`bool` Example: :: class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(RabbitMqRole) as role: role.ensure_user(some_user, some_pass) ''' if not self.user_exists(username): self.log('Setting up user %s and password' % username) cmd = 'rabbitmqctl add_user %s %s' % (username, password) self.execute(cmd, sudo=True) if is_admin: cmd = 'rabbitmqctl set_user_tags %s administrator' % (username) self.execute(cmd, sudo=True) self.log('User %s added!' % username) return True return False
[docs] def delete_user(self, user): ''' Delete user from rabbitmq if exists :param user: Name of the user to be deleted. :type user: :class:`str` Example: :: class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(RabbitMqRole) as role: role.delete_user('guest', some_pass) ''' if self.user_exists(user): self.log('User %s exists, deleting') cmd = 'rabbitmqctl delete_user %s' % user self.execute(cmd, stdout=False, sudo=True) self.log('User %s deleted' % user)
[docs] def ensure_vhost(self, vhost): ''' Ensure the given vhost is created. :param vhost: Name of the vhost to be checked/created. :type vhost: :class:`str` :return: Whether the vhost had to be created or not. :rtype: :class:`bool` Example: :: class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(RabbitMqRole) as role: role.ensure_vhost('/some_vhost') ''' if not self.vhost_exists(vhost): self.log('Adding vhost %s' % vhost) self.execute('rabbitmqctl add_vhost %s' % vhost, sudo=True) self.log('vhost %s added!' % vhost) return True return False
[docs] def ensure_permission(self, vhost, username, perms): ''' Ensure the given user has the given permissions on the specified vhost :param vhost: Virtual host name to assign the permissions at. :type vhost: :class:`str` :param username: User to assign permissions to. :type username: :class:`str` :param perms: Permissions to assign to user (e.g.: '".*" ".*" ".*"'). :type perms: :class:`str` :return: Whether the permissions could be assigned or not. :rtype: :class:`bool` Example: :: class MySampleRole(Role): def provision(self): with self.using(RabbitMqRole) as role: role.ensure_permission( 'previous_created_vhost', 'previous_created_user', '".*" ".*" ".*"', ) ''' if not self.user_exists(username): msg = 'Cannot set permission: User %s doesn\'t exist' % username self.log(msg) return False if not self.vhost_exists(vhost): self.log('Cannot set permission: vhost %s doesn\'t exist' % vhost) return False msg = 'Setting up permissions for user %s on vhost %s' msg = msg % (username, vhost) self.log(msg) args = (vhost, username, perms) cmd = 'rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p %s %s %s' % args self.execute(cmd, stdout=False, sudo=True) return True